Maine Ambulance Association AAA Cost Collection Workshop
Hilton Garden Inn 5 Park St, Freeport, ME, United StatesAAA Cost Collection experts, Rebecca Williamson and Scott Moore, will be presenting a full-day workshop for the Maine Ambulance Association's membership.
ACE Regional Workshop – Chicago, IL
Holiday Inn Chicago O’Hare Area 5615 N Cumberland Ave, Chicago, ILSeptember 11, 2019 Holiday Inn Chicago O’Hare Area Chicago, IL Register Now (Silver & Gold Subscribers) Register Now ►
Fundamentals of Revenue Calculations Webinar
September 20, 2019 | 2:00 PM Eastern Speakers: Asbel Montes, Angie McLain, & Rebecca Williamson $99 for Members | $198 for Non-Members (price included with Gold and Silver ACE Subscription packages) This webinar will provide the attendee with three core fundamentals surrounding revenue calculations: 1. Ambulance transportation revenue and the complexity around payers and categories 2. […]
Mississippians for EMS AAA Cost Collection Presentation
At the MEMs annual conference AAA Cost Collection experts, Scott Moore and Brian Werfel, will be presenting a session on Ambulance Cost Collection.
Texas Ambulance Association AAA Cost Collection Presentation
The AAA's Cost Collection Faculty will be presenting for the TAA.
Massachusetts Essex County Fire Chief’s Association Cost Collection Presentation
AAA ACE Faculty, Scott Moore, is presenting a session on Cost Data Collection to the Massachusetts Essex County Fire Chief's Association.
ACE Regional Workshop – St Louis, MO
Marriott St. Louis Grand 800 Washington Ave, St. Louis, MO, United StatesOctober 10, 2019 Marriott St. Louis Grand St Louis, MO Register Now (Silver & Gold Subscribers) Register Now ► Reserve a Room►
AAA Annual Cost Collection Pre-Con Workshop
Gaylord Opryland 2800 Opryland Dr, Nashville, TN, United StatesNovember 3, 2019 | 9am-4pm 2018 federal legislation expanded Medicare cost data collection to ambulance services, although with some important differences from other Medicare reporters. Failure to meet these new reporting requirements could lead to significant sanctions including loss of Medicare revenue. Annual Pre-Conference attendees will gain actionable tools, and participate/partake in gamification exercises to […]
Alabama Ambulance Association AAA Cost Collection Presentation
AAA Cost Collection Faculty will be presenting a session at the Alabama Ambulance Association's Annual EMS Conference.
TEMSA AAA Cost Collection Presentation
AAA Cost Collection Faculty will be presenting a session at the Texas EMS Alliance Conference.
ACE Cost Collection Workshop at the South Dakota Ambulance Association Conference
Pierre, SD 312 Island Dr, Pierre, SD, United StatesACE Faculty Members Michelle Anderson & Steve Wirth will be presenting a 4 hour Cost Collection Workshop at the South Dakota Ambulance Association's annual conference on Saturday, February 12, 2022. CLICK HERE for event details.
ACE Office Hours: EMS Billing Companies
By Scott Moore and Katie Arens This office hours session will be focused on how EMS billing companies can support their clients through the CMS Ground Ambulance Cost Data Collection process. The AAA offers education, expert advice from our Ambulance Cost Education (ACE) Faculty, and tools like Amber which are all free for AAA members. […]
Cost Collection in 90 Minutes with the Ambulance Association of Pennsylvania
Join Ambulance Cost Education (ACE) Faculty members as they provide an overview of Medicare's Cost Data Collection timeline, outline immediate actions services should take, and clarify CMS definitions. The ACE Faculty will also provide information on Amber, the cost collection tool for EMS agencies, and walk through how you will actually be entering data. Sponsored […]
Cost Collection for Rural Services
Join us at the 2022 AAA Annual Conference & Trade show for a session all about rural services! Small, rural, super-rural, and volunteer services are not exempt from the CMS Ground Ambulance Cost Data Collection mandate. This engaging session will focus specifically on why rural EMS provider participation is critical to cost data collection and […]
INTENSIVE: Cost Data Collection
Join us at the 2022 AAA Annual Conference & Tradeshow for this interactive INTENSIVE session! You already know the WHY – attend this session to understand the HOW. Join the ACE Faculty for this engaging, interactive, and intensive session and work your way through the cost collection timeline, requirements, and scenarios. Bring your questions and […]
Cost Collection in 90 Minutes with the South Carolina EMS Association
Join AAA ACE Faculty members as they walk through the CMS Ground Ambulance Cost Data Collection process. This webinar will cover: How we got here Important dates & deadlines Immediate actions services should take Where to find your data Frequently asked questions Common areas of confusion Available Resources Q&A This webinar is especially important if your […]