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Request for Proposals—SME/Project Director

American Ambulance Association
Request for Proposals
SME/ Project Director
Ambulance Cost Data Collection
November 2018


The American Ambulance Association (AAA) invites proposals from qualified interested parties (individual and teams) for the purpose of directing the Ambulance Cost Data Project as a Subject Matter Expert (SME).


As part of the extension of the Ambulance Medicare Add on payments, legislation passed on February 9, 2018, the Congress mandated that ambulance services provide cost data.  General requirements of the legislation include the following:

  • Requires notice-and-comment rulemaking
  • May use a cost survey
  • Collect (1) cost; (2) revenue; (3) utilization; and (4) other information determined appropriate by the Secretary
  • Include information: (1) needed to evaluate the extent to which costs are related to payment rates; (2) on the utilization of capital equipment and ambulance capacity; and (3) on different types of ground ambulance services furnished in different geographic locations and low population density areas
  • May revise the system over time
  • Select a representative sample of providers and suppliers from whom to collect data
  • Determined based on the type of providers and suppliers and the geographic locations
  • May not be request same provider or supplier to submit data in two consecutive years
  • A selected to report must do so in the form and manner and at the time specified by the Secretary
  • If a selected and do not report, then may be subject to a 10 percent payment reduction, unless the hardship exemption
  • Opportunity to request a review of the application of the penalty
  • Information collected available through the CMS Website

AAA Cost Data Collection Objectives

The purpose of the AAA Cost Data Collection is to develop education and service lines to assist the industry in preparing to accurately respond to the federally mandated cost data collection system as designed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Objectives to include:

  1. Standardization of the education of the cost data collection system including standardization of terms.
  2. The development of a cost data app to be universally distributed and used by ambulance services to report costs.
  3. AAA’s cost data recommendations are considered the industry standard and tools are widely distributed and used by the majority stakeholders of the industry.
  4. Initial (beta) data used to analyze and validate cost collection system, and provide data needed to continue lobbying Congress on additional reimbursement payments.

Proposed Project Director (SME) Scope of Work

In order to achieve the above objectives, the following is the proposed director (SME) scope of work:

  • Review and comment on AAA Cost Data Collection deliverables, including publications, education efforts, and online tools, helping to maximize accessibility and utility while verifying accuracy.
  • In partnership with the Technology and Education contractor, provide industry and ambulance service support, both reactively in answering questions and proactively in presentations both remotely and in person.
  • In collaboration with the AAA Cost Data Collection Faculty, contribute and edit content for the data collection operational definitions.
  • Update website, write articles, member communications and information pieces for distribution and website posting.
  • Working with the Technology and Education contractor, monitor and support the receipt of initial data, reviewing to identify missing fields and outliers; follow-up and clean data as needed.
  • Using data generated by the data collection system, generate articles and reports reflecting analysis and synthesis.
  • As requested, prepare reports and provide counsel to the AAA Board throughout the term of the project.

Proposed Project Timeline

December, 2018 — Board Consideration of AAA Cost Data Collection Proposal and Budget Request

January 1, 2019 — Hire SME

January–February 2019 — Development of operational definitions

March–April 2019 — Review and finalization of operational definitions

Summer 2019 — Review of Amber online toolset, support of pilot testing

September-December — Ongoing education – including train the trainer materials and final pre-launch education

Throughout 2019 — Ongoing educational and awareness-raising work, development and enhancement of website content

Instructions for Submission of Responses

Please include the following information in your Response.

  • Cover letter indicating cost for providing services as outlines in the RFP.
  • Resume and/or Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • A list of three references (including phone numbers), as well as a brief description of the project for the reference
  • Any samples you wish to use to showcase your work as a project director and/or SME

Submit the above materials to Maria Bianchi electronically at

We would appreciate a response to the proposal no later than Friday, December 7, 2018.

If you have any questions, contact Maria Bianchi at 301-758-2927.

50% of EMS Services Submit Data in: -667 Days 3 Hours 14 Minutes 1 Seconds